
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dear Filmmakers With Short Films (Old And New), We Want To See Them... | Shadow and Act

Dear Filmmakers With Short Films (Old And New), We Want To See Them... | Shadow and Act

Just a quickie request of you filmmakers reading this site...
I know many of you have short films on your resumes - whether made this year, last year, or 5, 10, 20, 30 years ago. If you're not in any way monetizing them, and they're just sitting on some hard drive somewhere, or in a DVD stack on a shelf in your home - essentially, if you're not doing anything further with them, why not put them online so that we can share them here on S&A? Especially if you're proud of the work. 
I love that some of you are already doing that, as we continue to share short films here with our Short Shoutsfeature. There could be a treasure trove of work made in the last several decades that very few of us have actually seen, and need to see. Yes, NEED to see; so let's see the films! What do you have to lose?
You could even fit this under the Notes On Creating A Fanboy/Girl Culture In Black Cinema series.
Unless I'm just missing something...

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